Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Make-at-Home "Snowflake Lattes"

The weather in Bowling Green has been pretty typical of Ohio lately - it's 64 degrees one minute, and 45 the next. So with the onset of cold weather and winter, we have been dying to make peppermint mochas because what better to welcome one of the more brutal seasons with?

We decided to consult our handy "I love coffee!" book, and discovered a recipe for a "Snowflake Latte." We made it in our kitchen as per usual so we could share it with you here. We hope it warms up your day (or night) as much as it did ours . . .

What you'll need:
-Vanilla-flavored syrup
-Peppermint-flavored syrup (or peppermint extract and sugar, we'll get into that later)
-A strong pot of coffee
-A stovetop and some pots (of course!)

Okay, so let's start with a scenario: Say you went to your favorite grocery store and were unable to locate any peppermint-flavored syrup. Please do not panic, we figured out a solution to this problem as we encountered it as well. Simply move yourself to the aisle with extracts (usually the baking aisle) and pick out a lovely little bottle of peppermint extract.

When you get home with said extract, simply combine it with some sugar in a pot on the stove and there you go, you have successfully made your own homemade syrup with peppermint flavoring. (We're going to credit Becky's growing up in Amish country for saving that situation.)

Once you have your syrups ready, the next part is very simple. Pour some milk into a pot on the stove and heat it. Make sure you whisk or stir the milk as you heat in order to properly steam it.


Once your steamed milk is prepared, all you need to do is combine the coffee with some milk and a little bit of each syrup (to your taste preferences) in a couple of coffee mugs and presto! You have now made a snowflake latte.

That's Becky's 'I'm enjoying this' face, I swear.

We're pretty sure these are also comparable to that of Starbuck's.

-- Becky and Alissa

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